A native of Arkansas and one of ten children, Martha Louise wrote short stories, poetry, and a teen romance novel during her high school and college years. Although her career pushed creative writing aside, she was able to embrace professional writing in her roles as social worker, mental health therapist, and school psychologist. During these hard-working years she managed to craft a children’s chapter book and readied it for publication.
Martha had always been a writer, but she had not envisioned writing a self-help memoir about her personal journey involving a Vietnam veteran. When family life took a sudden detour, however, she lost all thought of publishing her children’s gymnastics story and recorded her personal journey. While she had not planned to uncover the underbelly of her marriage to her husband, when his post-war stress, depression, and alcoholism led to a tragic event, she knew she had to tell the story. She wrote Married to Merlot: A Memoir with a Message of Hope, her first book publication, to share what she learned with others facing similar circumstances. The gymnast had to wait.
The gymnast is no longer waiting!
With the publication of her first tween book, Adeline in a Gymnastics Jam, Martha offers a story with valuable life lessons arising from conflicts based on real-life situations. Through her characters’ experiences, readers will likely find their own emotional strength and display empathy, compassion, and kindness in their relationships.